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[Exhibition] Media Art Project 2020 Ⅱ <HAM Hyekyung>

29-06-2020 | 822 Hit

Media Art Project 2020  <HAM Hyekyung >

Featuring works by HAM Hyekyung

Exhibition Date 8 July-8 August 2020 / Tuesday-Saturday 10:00am-6:00pm

Venue Multimedia Room, VIP room
           6-7/F, Korean Cultural Center in Hong Kong, Block B, PMQ

Art Works 

Multimedia Room (6/F)

Light at the End of the Tunnel, Single Channel Video, 05:00, 2017

My First Love, Single Channel Video, 11:30, 2017

Lucky Man, Single Channel Video, 16:00, 2015

VIP room (7/F)

Everyone Is a Mystery, Single Channel Video, 18:09, 2019

No Fun Running Away with No Bee, Single Channel Video, 12:32, 2018

Relentless Companion, Single Channel Video, 12:31, 2018

Korean Cultural Center in Hong Kong(KCC) is pleased to present the second Media Art Project 2020 this year. KCC introduces the promising Korean media artists and their recent/main artworks throughout the year.


The artist of the month HAM Hyekyung, composes a personal narrative of ’someone’ by reconstructing ubiquitous images and stories the artist collected from various places. It does not portray a reliable protagonist or an excessive emotion, but rather makes a metaphor of a certain discomfort of reality, imperfection, and already ending (or has ended) situation unsure of when the ending approaches, out of discrepancy between video and narration or style of compiling existing narratives. Six video artworks are displayed at KCC that were taken in Hong Kong, Japan, Thailand, Canada and Korea.


The exhibition is expected to show Hong Kong audiences the current trend of Korean media artwork by presenting selected media artists who cut a conspicuous figure in the field. The exhibition will be held from 8 July to 8 August 2020 on Multimedia and VIP room, on 6th and 7th floor of Korean Cultural Center in Hong Kong.

About the Artist HAM Hyekyung


Artist’s Note

I have some sort of nostalgia of strange cities in videos even if I have not been there myself. I think the looks of the cities have somewhat sad side, as well as a beautiful side. However, I do not like capturing vibe of a specific city, because I focus more on creating new stories with already existing narratives and images.


I start a story as a sort of simple diversion. Beginning from what everyone knows, I want to talk about something deep and intimate. My work is about my own unique interpretation of relationship, love, desire, success and despair. I seek for situations I can see myself in, and I let it speak in video work consisting of texts I transcribed from scenes I had in my mind. Instead of focusing on what happens, I tend to talk about happenings that takes place in characters‟ mind while a situation unfolds.

For more information and inquiries about HAM’s work, please email her to .



Everyone Is a Mystery, Single Channel Video, 18:09, 2019

No Fun Running Away with No Bee, Single Channel Video, 12:32 2018

Relentless Companion, Single Channel Video, 12:31, 2018

Light at the End of the Tunnel, Single Channel Video, 05:00, 2017

My First Love, Single Channel Video, 11:30, 2017

Lucky Man, Single Channel Video, 16:00, 2015

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