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[Exhibition] KCC-ETRI Event for New K-Culture Technology Experience (2019.05.16-06.15)

17-04-2019 | 2154 Hit

Korean Cultural Center in Hong Kong and Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) present “New K-Culture Technology Experience” from 16 May to 15 June, showcasing 6 creative contents that lead the visitors actual experience. ETRI is the largest government funded research institute in Korea, which strives to advance science by means of formulating ideas, developing new techniques and training professional individuals in the area of information telecommunications, with representative research areas like IT Convergence Technology Research Laboratory, Software Research Laboratory, Creative & Challenging Research Division etc. We hope this exhibition to become a great opportunity to present current and upcoming trend of Korean technology and set up the platform of academical exchange between Hong Kong and Korean culture-technology field.

6 Creative Contents:

- 3D Facial Avatar-based Realistic Make-up System: IAM

- Immersive Virtual 3D Body Painting System

- Interactive Spatial AR System

- Digital Portrait Making Studio

- Emotion Based Music Recommendation Technology

- AI Home Training Based on Motion Analysis.

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