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[Exhibition] Nevertheless, History Continues (儘管如此)

02-07-2019 | 2755 Hit

Nevertheless, History Continues 

ㅇ Exhibition Period: 18 July- 7 September, 2019

ㅇ Venue:  6-7/F Korean Cultural Center in Hong Kong

ㅇ Presenter: Korean Cultural Center in Hong Kong, Hong Kong Arts Centre ifva, MMCA(National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art) Residency Goyang

ㅇ Sponsor: Samsung

ㅇ Opening Reception and Artists Sharing:

Date & Time : 18 July 2019 (Thu) 7-8 pm (6:30pm Cocktail Reception)

Venue : 6/F Korean Cultural Center in Hong Kong

(6/F Block B, PMQ, 35 Aberdeen Street, Central, Hong Kong)

Artists Sharing : Four artists from MMCA Residency Goyang (LEE Minha, AN Yuri, LEE Jaeuk and SHIN Jung-kyun)

Two artists from ifva: (Jess LAU and TUNG Wing-Hong)

  The exhibition Nevertheless, History Continues commemorates the 100th Anniversary of the March 1st Movement and the Establishment of the Korean Provisional Government by spotlighting the meaning of the March 1st Movement with worldwide and contemporary perspective, and interpret it through media arts.

  1919 March 1st Movement is regarded as one of the most significant national anniversaries in Korean modern history. As Korean Cultural Center promoting Korea to outside the nation, we try to present the spirit of 3.1 Movement through media art, the most contemporary medium instead of directly informing the historical fact. We grasped the implication that 3.1 Movement messages to the contemporary society as the eager for freedom from the suppression, and endeavor for better society. The art pieces of seven artists, all direct forward these two concepts.

  This exhibition was co-presented by Korean Cultural Center in Hong Kong, Hong Kong Arts Centre ifva, and MMCA(National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art) Residency Goyang. MMCA Residency Goyang presented four Korean artists from their Residency in 2017 and 2018, LEE Minha, AN Yuri, LEE Jaeuk and SHIN Jung-kyun. ifva presented three artists Jess LAU, Chloe CHEUK, and TUNG Wing-Hong. 

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