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04-03-2020 | 1843 Hit

* 展出將廷長至2020年5月30日。

The exhibition period is extended to 30th May 2020.

* 文化院臨時開放時間 Temporary Opening Hours:  Tue-Sat 12:00-17:00



地點:香港中環鴨巴甸街35號 PMQ元創方 B座Hollywood 6至7樓



策展人:WOO Hansol (Manager, Korean Cultural Center in Hong Kong)


「國立現代美術館美術銀行收藏展」將展出美術銀行之34件收藏,當中包括現代藝術核心藝術家金昌烈、鄭相和及李東熀的單色畫作品(Dansaekhwa),以及一群充滿潛力的韓國藝術家之美術及影像作品 。


「色彩」以單色畫為首,展示70年代後韓國抽象藝術的演變過程。同時亦展出其他色彩多樣的當代藝術作品。 「都市」為一系列以韓國都市為題的具象藝術作品,拼湊出藝術家們眼中的韓國都市面貌。除油畫外,亦有利用鏡子、沖印及單頻道影像等媒介的作品。「融合」展出融合韓國與西方藝術的作品。藝術家們將富有韓國特色的主題,透過西方媒介表達,又或將兩者對調,以韓式媒介繪畫出西方感覺。展品包括結合水墨及油畫元素的作品,及以韓紙作畫的西方抽象藝術等。


About MMCA Art Bank Collection        

Art Bank, a subsidiary of MMCA, was established in February 2005 to stimulate Korea’s art market, popularize art, and realize cultural rights by purchasing, renting, and exhibiting works by Korean artists.

One of the main goals of Art Bank is to lead Korea’s arts industry, and to introduce new and diverse projects to push it forward. Art Bank purchases quality art through various routes, and arranges loans and exhibitions with government institutions, cultural organizations, and companies so that the works may be enjoyed by the greater public. Select pieces are displayed at overseas government offices, promoting Korean contemporary art all over the world.

Inaugurated in December 2018, MMCA Cheongju is the museum's fourth branch, and the first outside of Seoul and Gyeonggi Province. MMCA Cheongju launched the first open storage in Korea, showcasing artworks from the collections of the museum and Art Bank. Visitors are able to view the collections and conservation activities through glass windows, enjoying a vast number of art pieces not usually on display, as well as understanding the hidden functions of art museums through MMCA Cheongju's open-storage concept.

KIM Tschang-yeul 金昌烈, Recurrence, 2003, oil on canvas, 72.8 × 60.6 cm

CHUNG Sang-hwa 鄭相和, Untitled, 1980, frottage on Korean paper, 90 × 72 cm

LEE Dong-youb 李東熀, Interspace, 2002, acrylic on canvas, 160 × 260 cm

SUH Yong-sun 徐庸宣, Dokdo Island 2, 2015, acrylic on canvas, 181.5 × 220.7 cm

NOH Sun-tag 憦瞬烢, Black Feather #CHL0701, 2017, archival inkjet pigment print, 85 × 125  (4 pieces each) cm
