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[Exhibition] 《Far, Far Side of the World》

20-08-2024 | 232 Hit

[전시] SeMA×Korean Cultural Center Overseas Exhibition 《Far, Far Side of the World》 

📅 2024.8.16. Fri -10.5. Sat

📍 Korean Cultural Center in Hong Kong (6-7/F Block B, PMQ, 35 Aberdeen Street Central)

ㅇ Co-host Seoul Museum of Art, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism

ㅇ Organize Korean Cultural Center in Hong Kong

ㅇ Support : LG

ㅇ Artists Seulki Ki, Woojin Kim, Sejin Song, RYU Biho

Korean Cultural Center in Hong Kong (Director CHOI Jaewon) is opening SeMA×Korean Cultural Center Overseas Exhibition 《Far, Far Side of the World》 from 16 August to 5 October 2024 for approximately 2 months. The exhibition is co-hosted by the Seoul Museum of Art and the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, and aims at introducing young Korean artists and convey multi-layered meanings based on the historical and geographical background of each country through Korean Cultural Centers in Tokyo, Hong Kong, and Osaka.

The exhibition with the theme of "connection," which is the institutional agenda of the Seoul Museum of Art for 2024, showcases dynamic contemporary Korean art at Korean Cultural Centers in major East Asian cities. Following Korean Cultural Center in Japan, Korean Cultural Center in Hong Kong is the second to open this exhibition, featuring artists RYU Biho, KI Seulki, KIM Woojin, and SONG Sejin. This exhibition raises anticipation to present the audience with diverse interpretations and understandings that change according to historical and geographical characteristics, using visual language to create new meanings shaped by different backgrounds.

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