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Korea Square - International Space-out Competition 2024 Hong Kong

09-09-2024 | 2305 Hit

<Open Recruitment>

Event Date5th October (Sat) 3:00-5:00pm

Application Deadline : 25th September (Wed) 5pm

Announcement Date : 27th September (Fri) 5pm

* The list of the final will be announced through Korean Cultural Center in Hong Kong website, Instagram and Facebook and will contact on 27 Sep to the list members.

Admission Fee : Free


Enroll Criteria:

- No age limitation

(Candidates are required to have certain self-care ability)

- Individual or team (up to 3 players) are allowed to participate.

- All nationality welcome


Application page: https://forms.gle/PfWsf8qMqoLowmfMA

*Application page will only operate during the application period. Applicants who cannot complete the information submission within the time period will be seen as unsuccessful enrollment.

Space-out Competition homepage: https://www.spaceoutcompetition.com/


<Important Notice>

• Only one entry per person/team is allowed, duplicated application will be disqualified without further notice.

• For applicants aged above 18, you must apply for your own participation online. Application through 3rd party or applying for others shall be disqualified. Applicants aged under 18 shall grant permission from their official guardian and can be applied themselves or with the help of their official guardian.

• All participants shall be able to attend "International Space-out Competition 2024 Hong Kong" on 5th October. Finalists who cannot attend the competition will be seen as forfeiting their participation.

• Please be advised that photographs and videos will be taken at the event for archival and promotional purposes. By entering this event, you consent to Korean Cultural Center photographing and using your images and likeness. If you do not wish to have us using your image, please notify our staff.

• Korean Cultural Center in Hong Kong and Woopsyang Company reserve the right to make the final decision on all application details, selection process and final participant list.

<Competition Rules & Prize>

• Participants shall entre a dedicated competition zone, and be seated with your most comfortable posture on the assigned spot and start space out

• During the 90 mins of competition, sleeping, playing mobile phone, speaking and big movement are not allowed. Your goal is to keep a calm and steady heart-rate

• Founder Woopsyang and crew will walk around to check if there are any actions violating the rules. Participants will be disqualified with red card upon violating the rules twice

• Crew will measure each participant's heart-rate every 15 mins

• If participants would like to drink water and access the washroom, they can give a sign to the crew

• There will be public voting on-site. The top 10 voted participants will get into the final 10

• Founder Woopsyang will select the winner who has the most calm and steady heart-rate after the competition

• Champion will be rewarded with Space-out Champion Trophy and a single round trip flight ticket to the next Space-out Competition (Location to be confirmed)