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[Exhibition] 2022 Korean Young Artists Series: Pith of Cake

16-05-2022 | 762 Hit

ㅇ Title : 2022 Korean Young Artists Series: Pith of Cake

ㅇ Date : 19 May - 20 August 2022

ㅇ Venue : 6-7/F, Korean Cultural Center in Hong Kong, Block B, PMQ

ㅇ Organizer : Korean Cultural Center in Hong Kong

ㅇ Artists : Jihee KIM, LEE Young Ho, PHEE Jungwon, SONG MyungJin

The Korean Cultural Center in Hong Kong presents the 2022 Korean Young Artists Series: Pith of Cake which exhibits 32 artworks, including paintings, installations, and drawings of four artists, Jihee KIM, LEE Young Ho, PHEE Jungwon and SONG MyungJin, selected through Open Call for Artists and Curators 2022. Although the artists came together as a group from the Open Call, they all devoted themselves to a series of works that share the same theme. The artists established their unique identity with original materials and techniques.

In the exhibition title Pith of Cake, ‘cake’ symbolizes visual art on the outside, whereas ‘pith’ means the core implied in the work that is revealed by visual art. Pithy means 'simple but implicit', and is also a keyword that connects four participating artists. The artists do not try to capture too much on the canvas. Yet, there is an implicit pith in the brevity, and the artists' media or expression methods to pursue the pithiness are not simple at all.

Jihee KIM 金芝嬉, Juliana, Gouache on Donated Book Pages from London, 15×22.2cm, 2021

LEE Young Ho 李英浩, Interprète, Ink, Charcoal and Mixed Media on Mulberry Janji (Hanji) Paper, 162.2×260.6cm, 2022

PHEE Jungwon 皮定原, Untitled: After-Image Ⅷ, Oil on canvas, Cement powder, Korean Ink, 162×130cm, 2021

SONG MyungJin 宋明眞, A Floating Trash Bag, Gouache, Graphite, Color Pencil and Collage on Paper 28.5×35cm, 2021

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