

[E-Newsletter] Korean Cultural News 10.8.2021

11-08-2021 | 150 Hit

Greetings fro mKorean Cultural Center!
Volume 77 | 10 August 2021| web version

2021 Open Call for Artists and Curators 

 我們現正公開徵集2022 年展覽的提案,舉辦兩場展覽,分別在巴塞爾展會及今年夏季,以幫助韓國藝術家在國外發展。 


We are now accepting proposals for the upcoming 2022 exhibition season, one in Art Basel Hong Kong 2022 season and the other in summer season. It aims to support potential Korean artists and curators to find a larger market abroad.


Red Velvet 特別展覽 ReveLand Exhibition

Red Velvet 特別展覽 - ReveLand Exhibition會在3/8(二)至21/8(六)在文化院舉行,每逢星期六更會派發限量應援物給各位ReVeluv,絕對不容錯失! 

Red Velvet exhibition - ReveLand is opening from 3/8(Tue) to 21/8(Sat). Special gifts will be delivered to all ReVeluv, please stay tuned and visit us!


Summer K-Fest Part 2 | K-POP Party

在這炎炎夏日,駐香港韓國文化院和香港聯校韓流協會 HKJSSH將合辦Summer K-Fest Part 2嘅K-POP Party,並與8月19號舉行。届時亦邀請了在港的人氣韓流舞蹈團隊以及特別嘉賓為大家獻上讓人欲罷不能舞臺,敬請期待!

 At this very hot summer, Korean Cultural Center and Hong Kong Joint School Society of Hallyu (HKJSSH) are going to co-host our Summer Fest Part 2-K-POP Party. We will invite various K-pop cover dance crew and special guest to present you a special stage. Stay tuned!


8-9月 韓國電影上映 

Korean Film Screening


For August to September, Korean Cultural Center will screen 4 K-films in the multimedia room for FREE! This week, we are screening "Miss&Mrs Cops," simply register for your seat online!


Hangeul Design Competition 2021 

爲慶祝第575週年的韓文節,駐香港韓國文化院與 Yang Won Sun Foundation 合作舉辦韓文設計比賽。我們將透過是次設計比賽募集創意圖像設計,宣傳韓文的優秀性,並提高市民對韓國文字的興趣。 

To promote the beauty of Hangeul, and to enhance the interest in it among Hong Kong citizens through creative graphic, we are now hosting the Hangeul Design Competition 2021. Don't hesitate to join!


2021 韓食創意烹飪比賽 2021 Korean Food Cooking Contest | Korea through Your Plate

駐香港韓國文化院正為2021 韓食創意烹飪比賽招募對韓食和烹飪有興趣的參賽者。比賽旨在鼓勵對韓食烹飪有興趣的人士發揮創意,進一步提升他們對韓國料理烹調的認識及水平,並推動韓國飲食文化。 

We are now holding the 2021 Korean Food Cooking Contest, Korea through Your Plate, and welcome all of you to join. It aims at encouraging creative cook who are interested in Korean food to enhance their knowledge about Korean food cooking, and to further promote Korean food culture.



The Rapport in Calligraphy: Ancient Classics and Cultural Exchange


Presenting 50 calligraphy arts extracted from Siku Quanshu (四庫全書) and Collection of Korean Classics (韓國歷代文集叢書) produced by Korean and Chinese academicians, scholars and students. Exhibition will be end on the 14th, don't miss this chance to come and visit us!


筆墨之間—Encounter between Hangeul and Korean Painting

駐香港韓國文化院呈獻《2021 筆墨之間 – 書畫,遇見韓文》韓文書畫聯展將於14號結束,切勿錯過!

‘筆墨之間-Encounter between Hangeul and Korean Painting’ exhibition proudly presented by Korean Cultural Center in Hong Kong will be end on the 14th, don't miss this chance to come and visit us!


李培最新個展《 炭之範式》 

Lee Bae “Paradigm of Charcoal” @ Perrotin Hong Kong


Perrotin Hong Kong presents ‘Paradigm of Charcoal’, a solo exhibition from Korean artist LEE Bae, based in Paris, France, and Cheongdo, South Korea. It is LEE Bae's fourth solo exhibition with the gallery to visualize his decades-long affinity for employing charcoal as the artistic material and celebrate his experimental and contemporary approach to monochrome.

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韓國國立劇場第二季《Let's Gugak》 

“Let’s Gugak” Second Season Presented by National Theater of Korea

韓國國立劇場將開設第二季《Let's Gugak》,向外國觀衆介紹韓國的傳統表演藝術。新一季將於8月12日起上載至國立劇場官方YouTube頻道。 與第一季一樣,本季還將播放四物打擊樂、盤索里及韓國舞蹈等3種韓國傳統藝術體裁的視頻。影片將於每週四公開,附有中英及日語字幕,亦有供觀衆練習舞蹈動作和發聲的練習影片。 

The National Theater of Korea is to open the second season of its “Let’s Gugak” program through its official YouTube channel, introducing the traditional performing arts of Korea to foreign audiences. The second part of the program will be released from Aug 12. Like the first series, the upcoming season will feature videos on three traditional Korean art genres: samulnori, pansori and Korean dance. A total of nine clips are set for release, with a clip to be released every Thursday. English, Chinese and Japanese subtitles are provided for the clips, along with practice videos that allow viewers to rehearse dance movements and vocalization.

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Upcoming Korean Horror Film: Guimoon


Korean new horror film “Guimoon: The Lightless Door” will be released this August. Directed by Sim Deok-geun, the film takes place at a training center, where unexplained deaths occur. Even a shaman was killed after she performed an exorcism. Her son decided to enter the building to find out the secrets, and he found a door called "Guimoon." The film is set to open in over 2,000 cinemas around the world on 18 Aug.

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駐香港韓國文化院隸屬於大韓民國駐香港總領事館,並在2018年成立,旨在爲港韓文化藝術界人士提供相互連結及合作的平台,讓韓國藝文界人士及文化團體在香港這個亞洲文化藝術據點展開活動,同時繼續協助香港藝文界人士及團體訪韓交流。 韓國文化院亦希望透過豐富多彩的韓國文化活動,與香港人分享更多韓國文化,進一步擴大文化機構之間的文化藝術交流活動,增進韓國人與香港人互訪,進而爲韓國和香港的友好關係發展作出貢獻。敬請各位關注及支持我們的活動,期待於駐香港韓國文化院與閣下見面。謝謝。 

The Korean Cultural Center is under the Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Hong Kong, and has been serving as an important platform to discover and share all things Korean since 2018. Through partnerships with key local institutions in Hong Kong, the center also presents a variety of co-hosted events in addition to its own regular programs. We kindly ask for your attention, participation and cooperation, in our mission to promote cultural exchange and cooperation between Korea and Hong Kong. Thank you.


如有任何查詢,請即電郵 或致電(+852) 2270-3500 

For more details, please visit: 

For any inquiries, please contact or (+852) 2270-3500

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