

  • 프로그램
  • 영화
  1. [K-Film] 2월 한국 영화의 밤

    Post Date : 2025-02-20
    Event Date : 2025-02-25
    [K-Film] 2월 한국 영화의 밤 주홍콩한국문화원에서는 홍콩지역 한국영화 홍보 및 영화산업 진흥을 위해 홍콩 시민을 대상으로 "한국 영화의 밤"을 개최합니다. 자세한 내용은 영/중문 게시글을 확인해주세요. 
  2. [K-Film] 한국영화의 날(파일럿(2024))

    Post Date : 2024-12-03
    Event Date : 2024-12-17
    貴為人生勝利組的飛機師韓正優(曹政奭 飾)本是受盡國民愛戴的明星機長,卻因一時失誤令事業愛情兩失意,成為雙失中佬,更慘被航空界列入黑名單;為了可以再次衝上雲霄,他決定華麗變身,穿上高跟鞋冒充妹妹「韓正美」,重新應徵機師竟然順利獲得錄取?!「韓正美」一如以往,以非凡駕駛實力令人氣更勝從前,甚至成功化解一次空難危機,一夜間變身航空公司女代言人!一切似乎回復正軌,但身份漸漸露出破綻,這場大龍鳳到底如何收科?命運之神又會否繼續守護他,讓這靚靚機長繼續起飛? HAN Jung-woo (CHO Jung-seok), a pilot with top-class skills, is flying high and even appears on a famous TV show. But everything comes crashing down when a careless mistake causes him to lose everything, even his job. Blacklisted in the industry, no airline is willing to hire him. Desperate with no other choice, HAN Jung-woo transforms completely into his younger sister's identity and succeeds in landing a job as a pilot. But soon, he encounters more unexpected problems... Will his dream of cruising through life ever take off?   放映電影:男航女機師(2024) * 兒童不宜 時間:12月17日(二) 19:30  地點:Premiere Elements House 1 名額:225 語言: 韓語(中英文字幕) Screening film: Pilot(2024) * Not Suitable for Children Time: 17/12(Tue) 19:30 Venue: Premiere Elements House 1 Quota: 225 Language: Korean(Chinese, English Subtitles)   注意 <NOTICE> * 每人最多申請兩張戲飛。 (但二位都到場才能取兩張。) Each person can reserve a maximum of two tickets. However, please note that both people must arrive at the venue together to get two tickets. * 申請結果會以抽籤決定 。 The application results will be determined through a ballot. * 申請截止日期為12月10日(二)。 Please apply by the deadline of 10/12(Tuesday). * 韓國文化院會在12月12日或之前通過Whatsapp 的方式通知您。 The Korean Cultural Center will notify you of the result via WhatsApp on or before 12/12. * 如果沒有回復信息的話,預訂將會自動取消。 If you don't reply and confirm your attendance via our WhatsApp message, the reservation will be automatically canceled. * 活動當天將按照先到先得方式來派發門票。 Due to limited seating, the seats will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. *申請本活動即同意文化院對於當日活動現場座位及安排的決定而不得異議。 If you are registering for the activity, you will be seen as agreeing to any decisions and terms offered by the Korean Cultural Center.   Register 報名 : https://forms.gle/35jtuRGW23YJsk7KA   Enquiries 查詢: T: 2270-3513 E-Mail: ranichan@kcchk.kr
  3. [K-Film] Selected K-Movies Screening(Dec-Jan)

    Post Date : 2024-11-26
    Event Date : 2024-12-03 ~ 2025-01-31
    【自選影院】  每部電影都有不同的意義,駐香港韓國文化院為大家準備了三十部精選韓國電影,供大家自由選擇觀看。  當中包括了不同年代及類型的經典電影作品。  希望大家可以欣賞到不同電影,重溫一幕幕特別的片段。  如閣下有其他電影建議,歡迎留言分享!      [Choose Your Own Cinema]  Each movie carries a different meaning. The Korean Cultural Center in Hong Kong has prepared 30 selected Korean movies for everyone to choose and watch freely.  These sets include classic films from different eras and genres. We hope everyone can enjoy different movies and relive special moments from each film.  If you have any other movie suggestions, please feel free to leave a comment and share!     *活動需預先報名 。 Pre-registration is required.   *填寫表格時,你可以從以下列表中自選想看的電影 。 You can choose the film you want to watch from the list below when you fill in the form  *每場只接受一個申請,每位申請者可以邀請5位親友共同出席(每場最多6位參與)。  Each session is limited to one application. Each applicant can invite up to 5 companies to join (up to 6 people per 1 session)     ------------------------------------------------------------------------    ■ 電影 Titles :   1. 我的野蠻女友 | My Sassy Girl(2001) *建議15歲以上人士觀看/Not Suitable for Children under 15 字幕語言 Subtitles Language:英文/ English   2. 情約笨豬跳 | Bungee Jumping of Their Own(2001)  *建議15歲以上人士觀看/Not Suitable for Children under 15 字幕語言 Subtitles Language:英文/ English   3. 鳴梁 | The Admiral: Roaring Currents(2014) *建議15歲以上人士觀看/Not Suitable for Children under 15 字幕語言 Subtitles Language:英文/ English   4. 觀相 | The Face Reader(2013) *建議15歲以上人士觀看/Not Suitable for Children under 15 字幕語言 Subtitles Language:英文/ English   5. 寒流黑金 | Inside Men (2015) *只准18歲或以上人士觀看/Persons Aged 18 and Above Only 字幕語言 Subtitles Language:英文/ English   6. EXIT:極限逃生 | EXIT(2019) *建議12歲以上人士觀看/Not Suitable for Children under 12 字幕語言 Subtitles Language:英文/ English   7. 20 Twenty | Twenty(2015) *建議15歲以上人士觀看/Not Suitable for Children under 15 字幕語言 Subtitles Language:英文/ English   8. 極秘捜査 | The Classified File(2015) *建議15歲以上人士觀看/Not Suitable for Children under 15 字幕語言 Subtitles Language:英文/ English   9. 熱血青春 | Hot Young Bloods(2014) *建議15歲以上人士觀看/Not Suitable for Children under 15 字幕語言 Subtitles Language:英文/ English   10. 驅魔使者 | The Divine Fury(2019) *建議15歲以上人士觀看/Not Suitable for Children under 15 字幕語言 Subtitles Language:中文/ Chinese   11. 不標準情人 | Man in Love (2014) *建議15歲以上人士觀看/Not Suitable for Children under 15 字幕語言 Subtitles Language:中文/ Chinese   12. 哭聲 | The Wailing(2016) *建議15歲以上人士觀看/Not Suitable for Children under 15 字幕語言 Subtitles Language: 英文/ English   13. 大佬上錯身 | The Dude in Me(2019) *建議15歲以上人士觀看/Not Suitable for Children under 15 字幕語言 Subtitles Language: 英文/ English   14. 誠實選舉媽 | Honest Candidate(2020) *建議12歲以上人士觀看/Not Suitable for Children under 12 字幕語言 Subtitles Language: 英文/ English   15. 保安官 | The Sheriff In Town(2017) *建議12歲以上人士觀看/Not Suitable for Children under 12 字幕語言 Subtitles Language: 英文/ English   16. 亂世詩情 | Dongju: The Portrait of a Poet(2016) *建議12歲以上人士觀看/Not Suitable for Children under 12 字幕語言 Subtitles Language: 中文/ Chinese, 英文/ English   17. 原罪犯 | Oldboy(2003) *只准18歲或以上人士觀看/Persons Aged 18 and Above Only 字幕語言 Subtitles Language: 英文/ English   18. 青春催落去 | Start-Up(2019) *建議15歲以上人士觀看/Not Suitable for Children under 15 字幕語言 Subtitles Language: 英文/ English   19. 微笑與夏溫 | Soulmate(2023) *建議12歲以上人士觀看/Not Suitable for Children under 12 字幕語言 Subtitles Language: 中文/ Chinese, 英文/ English   20.桃李花歌 | The Sound of a Flower (2015) *建議12歲以上人士觀看/Not Suitable for Children under 12 字幕語言 Subtitles Language:英文/ English    21. 犯罪都市 | The Outlaws(2017) *只准18歲或以上人士觀看/Persons Aged 18 and Above Only 字幕語言 Subtitles Language:中文/ Chinese, 英文/ English 22. 德惠翁主 | The Last Princess(2016) *建議12歲以上人士觀看/Not Suitable for Children under 12 字幕語言 Subtitles Language:英文/ English 23. 殺人者的記憶法 | Memoir of a Murderer(2017) *建議15歲以上人士觀看/Not Suitable for Children under 15 字幕語言 Subtitles Language:英文/ English 24. 黑仔型警 | A Hard Day(2014) *建議15歲以上人士觀看/Not Suitable for Children under 15 字幕語言 Subtitles Language:英文/ English 25. 智命談判 | The Negotiation(2018) *建議15歲以上人士觀看/Not Suitable for Children under 15 字幕語言 Subtitles Language:中文/ Chinese, 英文/ English 26. 勁舞Dancing癲 | Swing Kids(2018) *建議12歲以上人士觀看/Not Suitable for Children under 12 字幕語言 Subtitles Language:英文/ English 27. 藉著雨點再愛你 | Be With You(2018) *建議15歲以上人士觀看/Not Suitable for Children under 15 字幕語言 Subtitles Language:英文/ English 28. 醜女大翻身 | 200 Pounds Beauty(2006) *建議12歲以上人士觀看/Not Suitable for Children under 12 字幕語言 Subtitles Language:英文/ English 29. 流氓檢察官 | A Violent Prosecutor(2016) *建議15歲以上人士觀看/Not Suitable for Children under 15 字幕語言 Subtitles Language:英文/ English 30. 八月照相館 | Christmas in August(1998) *建議15歲以上人士觀看/Not Suitable for Children under 15 字幕語言 Subtitles Language:中文/ Chinese ■ 上映時間 Time:    (第一場)10:00/(第二場)12:30  /(第三場)15:00    (Session 1) 10:00/ (Session 2) 12:30  / (Session 3) 15:00    ■ 地點 Venue:    駐香港韓國文化院6樓 多媒體影音室    Multimedia  Room, 6/F Korean Cultural Center in Hong Kong    ------------------------------------------------------------------------    報名 Apply:    https://forms.gle/pwv1TtRuRJZZXZPGA     注意 <NOTICE>   * 表格將於額滿時自動關閉。    The session will be automatically closed if the capacity is reached.      * 提交表格後即視為成功報名。    If you submit the form, pre-registration is completed, and the seats are reserved.    
  4. 天生一副監躉相的宰弼和塽邱外表凶神惡煞,實則是反差萌暖男。兄弟倆嚮往田原生活,花盡積蓄搬到鄉郊,卻誤打誤撞買下一棟凶宅。某夜二人救起墮河的美娜,卻被其二世祖朋友誤以為是綁匪,但美娜深知他們心地善良,三人相處融洽。可惜好景不常,隨著美娜的朋友接二連三巧合地意外身亡,不但坐實了二人「變態殺人魔」的身份,更令屋內的邪靈甦醒,誓要大開殺戒!最後到底點收科? Craftsmen Jae-pil and Sang-gu were born with a criminal’s face despite having warm hearts. They bought a house in the countryside looking to live a peaceful life. However, happiness is short-lived as they are inadvertently mistaken for kidnappers while trying to rescue Mi-na at the riverside, who is almost drowned. To add to the misfortune, the evil spirit sealed in the house is accidentally released and ready to kill them all.   放映電影:沒有美色殺人狂(2024) * 青少年及兒童不宜 時間:11月26日(二) 19:30 地點:Premiere Elements House 1 名額:225 語言: 韓語(中英文字幕)   Screening film: Handsome Guys(2024) * Not Suitable for Young Persons and Children Time: 26/11(Tue) 19:30 Venue: Premiere Elements House 1 Quota: 225 Language: Korean (Chinese & English subtitles)   注意 <NOTICE> *每人最多申請兩張戲飛。 (但二位都到場才能取兩張。) Each person can reserve a maximum of two tickets. However, please note that both people must arrive at the venue together to get two tickets. *申請結果會以抽籤決定 。 The application results will be determined through a ballot. * 申請截止日期為11月19日(二)。 Please apply by the deadline of 19/11(Tuesday). * 韓國文化院會在11月20日或之前通過Whatsapp 的方式通知您。 The Korean Cultural Center will notify you of the result via WhatsApp on or before 20/11. * 如果沒有回復信息的話,預訂將會自動取消。 If you don't reply and confirm your attendance via our WhatsApp message, the reservation will be automatically canceled. * 活動當天將按照先到先得方式來派發門票。 Due to limited seating, the seats will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. *申請本活動即同意文化院對於當日活動現場座位及安排的決定而不得異議。 If you are registering for the activity, you will be seen as agreeing to any decisions and terms offered by the Korean Cultural Center.   Register 報名 : https://forms.gle/jSjwNvSYuQtwx8Dq5   Enquiries 查詢: T: 2270-3513 E-Mail: ranichan@kcchk.kr
  5. 씬의 설계: 미술감독이 디자인한 영화 속 세계

    Post Date : 2024-10-30
    Event Date : 2024-10-29 ~ 2024-11-30
    [場景設計: 美術指導眼中的電影世界] 📆 10月29日(二)-11月30日(六) 📍駐香港韓國文化院 K-Pop Zone(香港中環鴨巴甸街35號PMQ元創方B座Hollywood 6樓) 每部電影,都是一門視覺藝術。它表達出編劇以及導演的個人風格; 而美術指導則是將劇本中的文字及導演的想法, 透過場景及服裝美學去呈現給觀眾。 駐香港韓國文化院與韓國映像資料院共同主辦名為 <場景設計: 美術指導眼中的電影世界>展覽。透過對韓國電影製作設計的代表人物- 韓아름(Han Ah-rum) 的作品進行探討, 介紹場景設計在電影製作中的作用和功能。 從場景和人物的分析,到賦予場景概念、情緒和視覺元素的大量設計,再到製作和施工的實際過程,您將通过本展览看到一部電影如何從文字開始轉變為動態畫面的。同時,由於他們的每部作品本身就是一種視覺享受,您亦將體驗到另一種電影美學。 [Production Design: Scene Architects Build On-Screen Worlds] 📆29 October(Tue) – 30 November(Sat) 📍 K-Pop Zone, Korean Cultural Center in Hong Kong(6/F Block B, PMQ, 35 Aberdeen Str., Central, Hong Kong) Every Film is a visual art. It expresses the Screenwriter's and Director's style, while the Production Designer presents the script's words and the Director's ideas to the audience through the scene and costume aesthetics. Korean Cultural Center in Hong Kong and Korean Film Archive co-organized an exhibition called <Production Design: Scene Architects Build On-Screen Worlds>. This exhibition introduces the role and function of production design in filmmaking by exploring the works of Han Ah rum, the representative Production Designer of the current generation of Korean cinema. From the analysis of scenarios and characters, through numerous designs to give shape to scene concepts, mood, and visual elements, to the practical processes of production and construction, you will see the ways in which a film, beginning with words, is transformed into moving pictures. At the same time, since each of their works is a visual treat in and of itself, you will experience another aesthetic of cinema.