

  • 프로그램
  • K-스포츠
  1. [K-스포츠] 찾아가는 태권도 체험 교실 - 참여학교 모집중

    Post Date : 2024-05-14
    Event Date : 2024-05-14 ~ 2024-05-27
    [K-Sports] On-site Taekwondo Course - Participant Schools Recruitment📢 The Korean Cultural Center in Hong Kong is collaborating with Korean Taekwondo master(s) in Hong Kong to introduce Taekwondo and teach basic self-defense techniques in local schools. This initiative aims to deepen Hong Kong students' understanding of Taekwondo, the national martial art of Korea, while also enabling them to learn how to effectively apply Taekwondo skills to handle potential dangerous situations in real life. Also, master(s) will also incorporate K-POP into Taekwondo by introducing "Taekwon Dance" lessons, allowing students to learn the proper Taekwondo techniques in a fun and engaging manner. All Hong Kong secondary schools are welcome to apply for this program and a 2-hour Taekwondo class will be arranged for schools that successfully apply. ▶ Target Applicants: ◁ All secondary schools in Hong Kong ◁ Students should be able to understand simple English ▶ Details: ◁ Korean master(s) will personally teach Taekwondo to students at the participating schools ◁ Course will be divided into 2 sessions, with each session lasting 1 hour (total of 2 hours) ◁ Session I: Effective self-defense techniques;  ◁ Session II: "Taekwon Dance" with K-POP ▶ Application Procedure: ◁ Carefully read the program details > Fill out and submit the online registration form ◁ Online Registration Form: https://forms.office.com/r/pN2ZRufDFh?origin=lprLink ▶ Fee: Free of charge ▶ Program Period: September 2024 (Negotiable) ▶ Application Dates: May 14 (Tue) to May 27 (Mon) *Selected applicant schools will be contacted individually ▶ Inquiries: k-sports@kcchk.kr Apply Now!
  2. [K-스포츠] 2024년 태권도 사업 협력도장 모집중

    Post Date : 2024-04-29
    Event Date : 2024-04-29 ~ 2024-05-12
    [K-스포츠] 2024년 태권도 사업 협력도장 모집중 📢 ▶ 신청 대상:  ◁ 홍콩 한인 태권도장 ◁ 영어로 수업 가능 필수 ▶ 사업 내용:  ◁ 찾아가는 태권도 체험 교실: 현지 중/고등학교에서 태권도 체험 교실 운영 ◁ 홍콩 태권도 시범단 공연: 문화원 "한국 10월 문화제" 계기 행사로 진행 ▶ 지원 금액:  ◁ 사업별 HKD45,000 내외 지원 (1개소) ▶ 접수 방법:  ◁ 계획서 작성 > 이메일 통해 계획서 접수 ◁ 계획서에 소속 도장 정보, 사업계획, 소요 예산, 추진 일정 등 상세한 사업 내용 포함 필수 ▶ 사업 기간:  ◁ 2024년 6~10월 ▶ 선정 일정: ◁ 접수 기간: 4월 29일(월) ~ 5월 12일(일) ◁ 사업 심사: 5월 13일(월) ~ 5월 14일(화) ◁ 선정 발표: 5월 14일(화)       *심사 통과한 신청기관에게만 개별연락 예정 문의 및 제출처: k-sports@kcchk.kr
  3. [K-스포츠] 제106기 국제태권도사범자격 홍콩 연수

    Post Date : 2024-04-29
    Event Date : 2024-03-30 ~ 2024-04-02
    [TAEKWONDO] The Korean Cultural Center in Hong Kong is honored to be invited to collaborate with KUKKIWON World Taekwondo Academy (WTA) for the “The 106th International Taekwondo Master Course”. In the past, taekwondo masters in Hong Kong would usually have to travel overseas for training. However, this time, instructors from the WTA are coming to Hong Kong to provide professional teaching content! It’s also a great opportunity for Hong Kong instructors to interact and exchange experiences with masters from different regions, so be sure not to miss out! Details: ▶ Date: 30th March ~ 2nd April (4 Days in Total) ▶ Time: ~9am to 6pm ▶ Application Deadline: 15th March (Fri) ▶ Eligibility & Details: https://wta.kukkiwon.or.kr/en/notice/detail?topMenuid=123&menuid=124&id=1452&page=1&lang=en We look forward to having you join us in the Master Course!