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~ 2026-12-31
📚주홍콩한국문화원 도서실 📅 운영 시간: 화-토, 오전 10시-오후 6시 📍 위치: PMQ B동 7층, 센트럴 📚 주홍콩한국문화원은 한강, 김영하, 라태주, 은희경, 편혜영, 노희경, 정지아, 공지영, 조남주, 김호연 등 여러 현대 유명한 작가들의 작품을 선별하여 한국어, 중국어, 영어 번역본으로 제공합니다. 📖 도서 대출 서비스는 도서관 회원에게 제공됩니다. 필요시 직원에게 문의해 주세요. 주홍콩한국문화원은 홍콩 독자들에게 한국 문학을 지속적으로 홍보할 것입니다. 다른 한국 작가나 한국 문학 작품 추천이 있으시면 언제든지 연락해 주세요! 문의: info@kcchk.kr
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Event Date :
~ 2025-12-31
Have you ever experienced strolling around the Gyeongbokgung Palace or the vibrant streets of Seoul while adorned in an elegant hanbok? Now, this unique experience is not limited to Korea! The Korean Cultural Center in Hong Kong is launching a hanbok rental service, allowing participants to dress in traditional hanbok and take memorable photos while strolling through Central, Sheung Wan, and the surrounding areas. 📅 Rental Location: Hanbok Rental Room, Korean Cultural Center in Hong Kong (6/F, Block B, PMQ, Central) 🕑 Operating Hours: Every Friday and Saturday (excluding public holidays) 10:15 AM & 2:15 PM (Morning & Afternoon Session) 🕑 Rental Time: 2 hours ✨ Reservation: https://forms.gle/U7ga7qe3Yu2MpTi26 Important Notes ◆A deposit of 500 HKD is required for each set of hanbok, and only cash is accepted. Children under 12 years old are exempt from the deposit. ◆The deposit will be fully refunded on-site if no issues such as damage or loss are found upon returning the hanbok. ◆There are limited slots available for both morning and afternoon sessions; once full, the options on the reservation form will disappear. Walk-ins are allowed, but availability is not guaranteed and may require waiting on-site. It is recommended to make a reservation in advance. ◆The morning session allows entry to the hanbok rental area starting at 10:15, while the afternoon session starts at 14:15. The rental period of two hours is calculated from the time the hanbok is worn and the individual leaves the rental area, excluding the time spent selecting the hanbok, changing, choosing accessories, and changing back into personal clothing. ◆When renting a hanbok, staff will make copies of the identification documents of all renters aged 18 and over. Renters under 18 must be accompanied by a guardian and provide the guardian's identification documents for registration. All personal data will be recorded for record-keeping purposes, and copies of relevant identification will be destroyed within a month. ◆Renters (or their representatives) must fill out an agreement form when borrowing the hanbok. If the terms of the agreement form are not agreed upon, KCCHK will not be able to rent out the hanbok. ◆For group visits of 8 or more people, please email education@kcchk.kr for inquiries. ◆In case of rain or severe weather, hanbok rental services will be suspended without prior notice. ◆KCCHK reserves the right to change any terms and content at any time. In the event of any disputes, KCCHK reserves the right to make the final decision.
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Event Date :
~ 2024-10-26
Minhwa refers to Korean folk painting. It was popular from the 17th century to the late Joseon Dynasty. There are many categories of Minhwa. All of them contain people's long-cherished wishes and dreams. The exhibition showcases the works of 15 Minhwa artists from Raon Hong Kong, a local Minhwa studio. Their paintings tell the stories of these 15 artists. Let’s find out what their dreams are! The exhibition's opening ceremony will be held this Saturday (28/9) at 18:00. The Minhwa artists who participated in the exhibition will tell you the story behind the paintings! Date: 24th September – 26th October 2024(till 12:00nn) Opening Time: Every Tuesdays-Saturdays 10:00-18:00 (*Except Public Holidays) Venue: K-POP ZONE, Korean Cultural Center (6/F, Block B, PMQ, 35 Aberdeen Street, Central)
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韓國廣場2024 - 國際發呆比賽2024香港站 ㅣKorea Square 2024 - International Space-out Competition 2024 Hong Kong 第九屆國際發呆比賽來到香港了!👏🏻 文化院想邀請大家來一齊發呆!如果想發呆發出國際, 取得「發呆王」的殊榮。就要報名參加國際發呆比賽2024香港站比賽。 <公開招募> 活動日期 :10月5日(星期六) 三時-五時 截止日期 :9月25日(星期三) 下午五時 公佈日期 :9月27日(星期五) 下午五時 *最終入選名單會於駐香港韓國文化院網站,Instagram, Facebook上公佈, 及於9月27日與入選者聯絡. 報名費:全免 參加者條件: - 不設年齡限制(參賽者需要有適當自理能力) - 可以個人參賽或組隊(最多3人)參賽 - 歡迎任何國籍人士參與 報名網站: https://forms.gle/PfWsf8qMqoLowmfMA *報名網站只會於指定時間開放,如報名者未能於指定時間內提交,均會被視為未能進入招募名單 發呆比賽網站: https://www.spaceoutcompetition.com/ <注意事項> • 每人/組只可報名一次,重複報名會被取消資格 • 18歲或以上報名者須親自於網上報名,不得由第三方代為報名或幫助他人報名,如發現將會取消參賽資格。18歲以下報名者可於監護人同意下親自或代為報名,如報名者獲選成為參賽者,監護人需於比賽當天陪同出席 • 參加者必須出席10月5日<國際發呆比賽2024香港站>之活動。如報名者獲選成為參賽者但未能出席當天活動,將被取消參賽資格 •填妥參加表格表示參加者同意韓國文化院於活動期間進行拍攝,以作紀錄及宣傳之用。如有查詢,請向工作人員聯絡。 • 駐香港韓國文化院及Woopsyang Company保留所有有關報名、遴選及參賽的最終決定權 <比賽規則及獎項> • 參賽者需進入發呆比賽區域,在預先安排之位置上坐下,並挑選了一個舒適的姿勢後,開始進入發呆狀態 • 於90分鐘的比賽過程中不能睡覺、玩手機、說話、大動作移動,以維持最平靜及穩定心率為目標 • 發呆比賽創辦人Woopsyang及工作人員將會在現場巡視檢查參賽者有否違規狀況,假若違規兩次,便會被發紅牌出場,嚴重違規者將會即時取消資格 • 場內將有工作人員每十五分鐘為參賽者量度心跳作紀錄 • 參賽者如有需要喝水及到洗手間,可向工作人員示意 • 設有現場觀眾投票,得到最高票的十名參賽者將會成為發呆最後十強 • 創辦人Woopsyang將會比賽完成後,於最後十強中挑選出心律最平穩的參賽者為最後勝出者 • 冠軍將會獲得發呆王獎杯一座及下一站國際發呆比賽的單人來回機票(地點有待確定) <Open Recruitment> The 9th International Space-out Competition is coming to Hong Kong!👏🏻 KCCHK invites everyone to join us in the fun. If you want to compete for the title of Space-out Champion, come join the International Space-out Competition 2024 in Hong Kong! Event Date:5th October (Sat) 3:00-5:00pm Application Deadline : 25th September (Wed) 5pm Announcement Date : 27th September (Fri) 5pm * The list of the final will be announced through Korean Cultural Center in Hong Kong website, Instagram and Facebook and will contact on 27 Sep to the list members. Admission Fee : Free Enroll Criteria: - No age limitation (Candidates are required to have certain self-care ability) - Individual or team (up to 3 players) are allowed to participate. - All nationality welcome Application page: https://forms.gle/PfWsf8qMqoLowmfMA *Application page will only operate during the application period. Applicants who cannot complete the information submission within the time period will be seen as unsuccessful enrollment. Space-out Competition homepage: https://www.spaceoutcompetition.com/ <Important Notice> • Only one entry per person/team is allowed, duplicated application will be disqualified without further notice. • For applicants aged above 18, you must apply for your own participation online. Application through 3rd party or applying for others shall be disqualified. Applicants aged under 18 shall grant permission from their official guardian and can be applied themselves or with the help of their official guardian. • All participants shall be able to attend "International Space-out Competition 2024 Hong Kong" on 5th October. Finalists who cannot attend the competition will be seen as forfeiting their participation. • Please be advised that photographs and videos will be taken at the event for archival and promotional purposes. By entering this event, you consent to Korean Cultural Center photographing and using your images and likeness. If you do not wish to have us using your image, please notify our staff. • Korean Cultural Center in Hong Kong and Woopsyang Company reserve the right to make the final decision on all application details, selection process and final participant list. <Competition Rules & Prize> • Participants shall entre a dedicated competition zone, and be seated with your most comfortable posture on the assigned spot and start space out • During the 90 mins of competition, sleeping, playing mobile phone, speaking and big movement are not allowed. Your goal is to keep a calm and steady heart-rate • Founder Woopsyang and crew will walk around to check if there are any actions violating the rules. Participants will be disqualified with red card upon violating the rules twice • Crew will measure each participant's heart-rate every 15 mins • If participants would like to drink water and access the washroom, they can give a sign to the crew • There will be public voting on-site. The top 10 voted participants will get into the final 10 • Founder Woopsyang will select the winner who has the most calm and steady heart-rate after the competition • Champion will be rewarded with Space-out Champion Trophy and a single round trip flight ticket to the next Space-out Competition (Location to be confirmed)
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Event Date :
~ 2024-07-22
The Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Hong Kong and the Korea Cultural Center in Hong Kong will participate in this year's Hong Kong Book Fair. In addition to exhibiting popular Korean drama scripts and merchandise, Korean travel brochures and maps provided by the Korea Tourism Organization will be provided for visitors to collect. Welcome to visit us at Hall 1E-B34! Date and Time: July 17(WED) - July 22(MON) 10AM-6PM, July 23(TUE) 10AM-5PM Venue: 1E-B34, World of Art and Culture, Hall 1E, HKCEC Enquiries: education@kcchk.kr / 2270-3505