[K-Film] K-movie Screening(December)(Updated 30 Jan)
Korean Cultural Center in Hong Kong is presenting romantic movies to welcome the incoming Christmas, new year and valentine's day. We hope you enjoy!
■ 電影 Titles :
ㅇ01.03.(Tue) ~ 01.14.(Sat) 緣來大飯店/A Year-End Medley, 2021
ㅇ01.17.(Tue) ~01.28.(Sat) 婚禮那一天/On Your Wedding Day,2018
ㅇ01.31.(Tue) ~02.11.(Sat) 我的變身男友/The Beauty Inside, 2015
■ 上映時間 Time:
(Session 1) 13:00/ (Session 2) 15:30
■ 地點 Venue:
駐香港韓國文化院6樓 多媒體影音室
Korean Cultural Center 6/F Multimedia Room
■ 名額 Quota:
4 for each session
報名 Apply:
👉🏻 01.31.(Tue) ~02.11.(Sat) 我的變身男友/The Beauty Inside, 2015
- 表格將於滿座時自動關閉。
- The form will be automatically closed when quota is reached
Application for other films will be available soon!
* 提交後即視為成功報名。
If you submit the form, pre-registration is completed and the seats are reserved.
T: 2270-3513
E-Mail: ranichan@kcchk.kr
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